domestic violence is not OK

authors note: the following contains a trigger warning and a content warning. The trigger warning is for explicit descriptions of assault, albeit, never sexual, however, it does describe events relating to violence and assault on a female. The content warning is for content that may include certain kinds of degrading or psychologically hurtful language aimed at females. Rear discretion is highly advised. Below is an open letter to the creator of the black channel, so if anyone has ever listened to the Black Authority, or the black channel, all you have to do is cheat into YouTube and search for “the black channel“ or“the Black Authority.” I would like to provide context for why I’m writing this, but it’ll all be self-explanatory in the following.

dear Mr. Black,

my name is Beth Taurasi, and I have been a caller on one of your previous shows. I would first like to extend my greetings and goodwill to you, and I would like to also inform you that for one I really enjoyed all of the things you had mentioned regarding Black people in their experiences. I hope that together, we might be able to discuss things, knowing that we have the shared interest in ensuring the safety and survival of the black community. Black women in my humble opinion I am on the strongest, and I am quite concerned that there are certain types of individuals that do not consider me a code, black, and for woman. however, I cannot fathom how much slavery had impacted only one group of persons, but instead, the African American slave experience to my understanding, has impacted virtually everyone. This includes whites, blacks, Asians, other kinds of people, Samoans, perhaps South Pacific. Virtually every human being has been affected by slavery, but in the following paragraphs, I would like to introduce a subject matter that I’m pretty sure is quite prevalent and spoken off and about in one of your channels, and title of the business. While I understand that the channels description Hass to do with promoting healthy relationships, the way to promote healthy relationships as you described in the channel is not actually the case. Sometimes as humans, we are bamboozled by deceit. Examples of deceit include when I was researching hate groups in a database, I found very deceptive titles for a lot of these groups, and that also meant that the groups names were a little less obvious than you would expect, group names, that I’m speaking of, including some Neo-Nazi types, include the words Church of Christ, among other things. Well, I think that your business channel is not quite conducive to healthy relationships. In the following paragraphs, I’d like to describe the cost of the issues, raised in the business channel and how they could possibly be responsible for the excitement of a violent incident that occurred and was directed at me. There have been multiple instances of violence, one of your biggest supporters moved here to Denver, Colorado from his home in Mesa, Arizona. Read on.

Your fan, Clayton Jacobs, professionally known as “Esoteric Quality”, posed lots of questions to me when we first met on Facebook. We had a good friendship, five years long, which evolved into a romantic relationship. I was hooked on your black channel thanks to Jacobs and his zealous support for Black Lives Matter. I still to this day agree that Black Lives Matter, it’s never been a problem for me. What became a problem though was the way jacobs approached me two weeks after he moved here from Mesa, Arizona on May 9, 2023. WE started living together for two long weeks, or so it seemed, but Mr. Jacobs and I were perhaps deeply in love. The problem arose when this man, unbeknownst to me, engaged in many gaslighting tactics.

BEfore you ask me why I’m using the term “gaslighting” at all, I encourage you to read “Gaslighting: Spot Manipulative People and Break free” by Stephanie Moultan Sarkis, Ph.D. When I broke out that book, available on all book platforms including Kindle and Audible, I discovered thaT Mr. Jacobs had been engaging in a very deeply insidious form of gaslighting. Some of the gaslighting words and phrases came right from your content on the Business channel. Allow me to explain.

Gaslighters often use manipulations to get you to believe they are correct. Mr. Jacobs wanted me to believe his version of my reality, which would later become the biggest problem even medical professionals would deal with. I was subject to the usual standard fare when dealing with a gaslighter. The standard fare includes statements about how I don’t contribute to any relationship, I’m not wife material, and I am “ugly as hell.” With words from your videos though, including “deranged” and “disciplinary problem”, the gaslighting took a justified level of awful. Your content could be responsible for inciting the following incident that took place on July 28, and its aftermath is devastating.

Leading up to this incident, Mr. Jacobs and I were caring for our baby son Malcolm Clayton Jacobs, born April 15, 2023, and is approaching five months of age. Malcolm is a joy to care for, however, your content on the Business Channel sets a terrible precedence for both Clayton Jacobs and our son Malcolm. You have been trumpeting behaviors for women versus behaviors for men, and when Clay consumes this stuff, he then becomes this stuff. You seem to claim that women with a voice are a “disciplinary problem”, and so when I spoke up about how I was being treated by Clayton, sadly I was blocked from following him on both X and Instagram, and he was not able to accept being called out rightfully for what I’m about to describe. On July 28, 2023, Clayton and I and our baby Malcolm were up in my apartment. A social work visit was scheduled and carried out because of a dependency neglect case involving Malcolm. There was a good pleasant encounter with Rachel, the social worker, however when she left, the doors closed, and Clayton decided to declare that “You’re not getting your WIC card back.” For the uninitiated, WIC stands for “women, infants and children”, and is a supplemental government program that is run by the USDA and goes right alongside SNAP, or supplemental nutrition assistance program. SNAP covers all manner of qualifying groceries, while WIC is more strict and narrow in scope. Clay wanted to assist in WIC provisions, but that day, he went so much as to say that I would not get the card back because I’d lost it, and he believed I was unable to manage this. Mr. Black, this is one of many ways Clayton attempted to force me to be dependent on him. The goal of a gaslighter or perpetrator of intimate partner abuse is to get you to depend on them and them only. The content you place on any channel even if it’s bad is subject to opinions. However, inciting violence or further abuse of women is unconscionable and the cruelest form of the patriarchal oppression, and one of your videos entitled “Matriarchy causes coonery” begs the question of men who would dare watch. Last I checked, it was the year 2023 and we had at least some right for women to be in safe relationships. All relationships should and must be safe. A woman or man both. have to be safe around each other and a child. Please consider the following.

After Clayton declared I wasn’t getting the WIC card back, I cleverly pointed out the W in WIC stands for women, not men. Clayton then spat out the worst escalating words imaginable: “Your neo-feminist tricks do not work on me.” The following is what happened but it’s a fast sequence.

Domestic violence usually makes a woman flat out insane. Clayton had gaslighted me to mere insanity, but it became clear he just wanted a birth vessel for some baby. His degrading and deplorable statements have had a huge impact on how I can and do relate to others, men and other beings alike. The costs for domestic violence victims and survivors numbers in the billions, and the shopping list for a recovering DV victim is quite big. Leaving an abusive relationship remains the hardest thing a woman has to deal with. Clayton left my apartment, however he did not care one iota that I was three months pregnant. NO care if I was bedridden either.

In the developed world, domestic violence and intimate partner abuse are not getting the attention they deserve, and I tend to place so much blame on channels like The Business. But it goes further. Many YouTube creators also are hooked on what’s called “manosphere.. I get you don’t care what others think, but do you care what the children and women of this country go through?

I am 1 in 3 women going around being safe, so Clay could mistake that as not being kinder to victims.

You’ve also been caught using mental health slurs on a regular basis to dehumanize your callers. Small wonder almost few of my peers have heard your content. Explain why it’s okay to disseminate domestic violence.

Domestic violence and gaslighting and speaking out about these subjects cost me all my equipment, including a Macintosh, an iPhone 13 pro, and the means to communicate. This is a huge problem for anyone trying to get a hold of me. Mr. Black, I was basically stranded and forced to change my phone number. IF that’s not enough, I’d like to call to your attention that no man who puts his hands on a woman or uses a taser on her can safely be respected. IF you believe I’m the problem in a relationship, Mr. Black, take this into account. Costs to prosecute Domestic Violence cases run high both emotionally and financially. Men are not superior.

One in four men and one in three women each experiences some form of intimate partner violence yearly. Your content could cost some men their ability to truly relate to others. You claim you want your viewers to know how to have healthy relationships, but take my advice. I’ve been the victim of not one, but two partners who’ve exhibited one or another form of behavior indicative of abuse. Clayton was probably much more established than my prior partner before him, a white man called Jason Owens. I regret dating this man because not only was he connected with white supremacy groups, KKK among them, he was also quite racist against any other person known to the planet except his own sort. I totally resonate with your want to end the ideology of systemic racism, but we must change systemic misogyny too. Here is how I recommend you could try it.

First, start with the root of the problem. For what seems like most of recorded time, women were oppressed. Since the invention of the wheel in Ancient Sumer, ploughs began to pop up and farming made way for men and boys to take on substantial roles in the agrarian world. Nowadays, we still have such agrarian societies living about the globe, however such societies have a whole host of problems. For one, starting way before the Biblical times and Jesus, Ancient Sumer saw a code of laws giving men the right to treat women as property. IF a woman spoke out against a man she was married to though, she was drowned. Wives were treated as domestic servants and birthing vessels combined. Such treatment spans the entirety of the globe, the entirety of recorded time today. Mr. Black, I do agree that Susan B. Anthony was racist, but Matilda Jocelyn Gage is the one I wish I could meet.

If you really wish to end misogyny, do not call women slurs related to mental health and wellness. For seemingly a long time, all a jealous or spiteful husband had to do was shout to the rooftops that “my wife is crazy“ or any number of psychological, stigmatizing, slurs, and the consequences would be quite devastating for an entire family. What are the consequences? Oh woman, particularly wives and mothers would be locked away in what seems like a “mental health asylum“, but even farther back in the days of yore, these asylums per se had some terrible conditions. We have at least one of these facilities today in the state of Massachusetts, the Judge Rodenberg center. At judge Rodenburg center, or infamously known as JRC, many people of color, and yes, females included, enroll at the facility by order of their parents and other guardians. Judge Rodenberg center, a lot of sadistic workers have jobs there, and sadly, they use something called graduated, electric shock devices. There has been an enormous uproar from a lot of disabled advocacy communities regarding the shock. The campaign of #StopTheShock comes to mind.StopTheShock is an incredible campaign that is struggling but yet we seem to be gaining momentum inn the war to end the torture of disabled people at places like JudgeRodenberg center. When people like you and me, and other folks who are spiteful, if someone else used term such as “demented“ or “psychopath“ or better, yet, “cookie“ and “loony“, we contribute to the digression of rights for folks with mental health conditions. It is mental health conditions that primarily plague many a young woman, sadly myself included. The big factors that lead to things like postpartum depression, or other forms of mental health conditions include but are not limited to environment and social circumstances, coupled with financial circumstances, and in some small way, genetics. My family in particular was not exactly prone to alcoholism or drug use, but let it be known that the fan who has been on the center of the entirety of your contact, Clayton Jacobs, has a very different family structure than mine. Both of us have at some point been abused by our guardians or caregivers, however, I believe from my conclusions, and from further observation of things, both past and present, Clayton Jacobs, himself has been a victim of gaslighting. Gaslighting can also take some very horrible forms in sibling relationships. Justin Jacobs, Clayton‘s brother, now is serving life in an Arizona penitentiary, or of course state prison. Before you go on, and on about mass incarceration, sometimes more often than not, though, incarceration is the only way to stop someone like Justin from committing the crimes he had, which sadly include trafficking in the form of sexual trafficking of minors, and perhaps being all manner of vulnerable persons. Mr. Jacobs, Justin, to be exact, also has attempted to steal credit or identity from his older brother, which, in my humble observations and opinions, stems almost completely from the dynamics of Justin, was the “golden child“ and Clayton, the blind one, have been labeled a “scapegoat. This type of relationship still seems to be occurring today. But it’s taking a bigger more insidious form especially on Clayton and his entire family. Due to Clayton’s mother preferring to place money on Justin’s commissary books and not helping Clayton out enough to retain relationships with his family, this makes the man more and more resentful. I would never advocate prison for just every single thing we don’t like, but science shows that batterers and certain types of dangerous criminals, not myself at all, benefit and the public benefits from placing these people in a confinement space, notwithstanding comforts and other amenities. However, and this knowledge can be attributed to Lundy Bankroft, a renowned therapist who works with batterers and controlling men. These men contribute in large part to a good chunk of postpartum depression cases.

Misogyny also affects not only the skewing of mental health and other conditions to disfavor women, but it opens doors for men such as Eliot Roger and many other misogynistic killers to commit their massacre for all history. Clay wants malcolm to see your stuff, but I forbade the Business. You should be aware that as Uncle Ben says in the 2001 Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility.” If you want to continue creating content as I am doing now, see your responsibility. Clayton claimed he wants to write a rap piece belittling me. However, the ramifications for writing or the publication of such piece could be dangerous. I begged Clay to quit, but he won’t.

With care and concern, I want to address these matters as the public needs to believe in something safe for everyone.

Yours in care of others,

Beth Taurasi


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